Cube Mela

Namaste! The better educated of you will have noticed what I did there. Instead of Kumbh Mela I’ve gone for Cube Mela. “But why Richie oh Guru, why?” I hear you cry. Well it’s a good question. As some of you know one of my many roles at The Cube is as overseas development officer and recently me and Mrs Paradise found ourselves in the Raj. I took said opportunity to make connections with the rather marvellous Raj Mandir Cinema in Jaipur.
Richie Paradise in Jaipur
We caught a pretty amusing Bolywood movie called 3 Idiots.
I’ve helped set up a few overseas Cubes now and its always great fun meeting Indian, Japanese or German types
Cubescube kyoto

In the first picture Herr Hog shows off the humongus Cube in Berlin, opened as far back as 2006. Then Cube Tokyo and Cube Kyoto. Be sure to pay them a visit next time you’re there.

This week I’m trying desperatly to catch up with all the blogging I should have done, you can get all the odds on me succedding at my bookies.

Ciao for now, Richie Paradise Delhi Richie Paradise

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