Return of the Blog

After over a year in the wilderness the Cube Blog is back, with big thanks to Marcus for sorting out many behind-the-scenes issues.

I say back, but really we’ve relocated – the new address being – update your links ( although the old ones will automatically forward, thanks again to Marcus )

So, no posts at all in 2011! Given that the poster for 2010’s new year’s eve has been sitting there at the top of the pile as the earth has made it’s way all round the sun, whilst riots broke out and the news of the world went down, it seems fitting to me, to post the now equally redundant poster from 2011’s NYE . . .

The Begining Is Near

. . . here’s my costume from the night ( a bit battered after a night of partying ) . . .

What a card.. . . the helmet is currently in the alcove in the lounge, and all are welcomed to try it on.

Meanwhile, Kayle and Hogge are now out in the wider world repping The Cube in Haiti with The Haiti Kids Kino Project – details here:

. . . and it’s Valentine’s day today, so have a recording of my computer & TheAudrey3000 from the Love Science event a few years ago:


Let Love Rule.

This entry was posted in Audio, computer sings, Cube, Haiti, Mr Hopkinson personas, Uncategorized, Video. Bookmark the permalink.