I Love Liam

A Grindhouse Romance

Now you may remember I once said I Love Theo, well that Love hath ended and Now I Love Liam. Don’t worry gang for I have alot of Love that I am more then willing to spread around.

Grindhouse Romance

But I digress, the reason I love Liam is many fold, but basically Liam says he wants to be the new Russ Meyer and he wrote and directed a great Burlesque film

which starred yours truly (as myself) and a small part for The Cube Orchestra who also did the . . .


You can hear most of what we did HERE

This was alot of unwholesome fun

<img src="http://www.orchestra.cubecinema.com/img/blog/august06/Aug06small/august%20017.jpg"sofiaConcentrateUnwholesome

As you can see our concentration was admirable.

You should be able to see the whole film sometime soon with the Original score attached. That’s it. No More.


Feel my power, Richie Paradise Richie Paradise

ps for those who bother to follow the links I haven’t really………..

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