Howdy Ma’am (er and blokes and that), saturday saw the return of Greatness Of The Magnificence, Jesse Morningstar’s night of individuals and bands playing tribute to the undisputed King Of Rock ‘n’ Roll
Elvis Aaron Presley.
Anyhow a packed Cube sawlots of acts, some familiar from previous GOTM nights, such as the act who is always drunk, assorted mentalists(oops and Kate), the band who are so bad they’re almost good (sorry guys but yer not there yet!), Popstars of yesteryear, the Morningstar allstars, the Cube volunteers etc etc. Anyhow over to Jesse:
So much good stuff that I couldn’t film it all, but here’s some highlights (and lowlights), including the return of POP PARKER
Be scared by this
Quite mental this lot
For the finale Two by this lot featuring volunteers Ruth and Sarah, one here and this Sambatastic version:
They very nearly undid all the WOW factor of the Batucuda arrangement by going on too long but pulled it back at the end, well done you guys.
Then off to the bar where I jumped on the decks and kept the festive fun going
A great night had by all, praise Elvis (and Jesse and gang),
Wishing all of you Cube Log readers a very happy festive season,
Big Love Richie (and Meg) Paradise xxx
ps logs for Triple Xmess, Movieoke and Eugene Chadbourne up this week I promise.