Unless you are being tempted by the electro and gold paved streets of the metropolis,
in which case ‘hur-umph!’,
you are sure to be entranced by tomorrow nights diversionary, delusionary delights by twilight….
Sat 24th / 7.30pm / £6/5
Drinks discounts for the fabulously attired.
Roll up! Roll up! Miss Zuleika Ziegfield and her rakish entourage bring you the
highs of the musical theatre, the lows of the Vaudeville stage, and all places
inbetween – a razzle-dazzle cavalcade of musical entertainments for the
knowingly low-brow, with accompanying dance, acrobatics, legerdemain and similar
diversionary delights.
Featuring the Scarlet Vixens, Idiosync Acro, David Bouillabaisse, Chimaera Fire Show, Zuleika’s Cabinet of Curiosities and musical delights from Richie Paradise.
Positively for this night only!
You can have anything you want in life if you dress for it.

Sounds superb – wish I could be there !
Come back for the late night dancing/giant cake decorating extravaganza!
Sadly didn’t get back until too late even for the Cube thanks to Timmy’s admirable late late driving after wigging out extreme for vexkiddy . . . but how was the cabaret?
it was great old bean. expect a write up soon. i heard one of the hosts was a bit blue with some of his humour though….