Toilet renovations pictures

While we’re still working these last few critical days, we thought some pictures might be interesting. So here you go. More to come soon!

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Digital Daytime Drawing Drawings 2

Hey hey,

We still miss creating together and so we got together again to co-create. Setup was the same as last time. Set up a zoom whiteboard. Everyone draws together. The images we co-created are at the bottom of the post in chronological order. It’s interesting to compare it to the last session (

There’s definite similarities between the two sessions. Confines of the medium? Similar participants? Similar mindsets?

What I’m sure of is we had fun. Will definitely do another one in a few weeks time. Everyone welcome to join.


“oh mom & dad” 2021 1/1
“easily weasley” 2021
“David, Dewi, Tom, Libby, Zuleika” 2021
“How do you sex an owl?” 2020
“Pat Birkenstock’s works day out” 2022
“Yes please thankyou, 1919” 1987 2/3

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Seizing the means of t-shirt production

Yesterday, members of the Cube Work Force came together in spontaneous joy to receive and distribute our first shipment of MERCH from the vast and sprawling factory complex of local screenprinting don danny, at pullprint.

If you’ve ordered a t-shirt you should be receiving yours soon, or if you’ve asked to collect from the Cube, you can see available collection slots on our programme! We are still waiting on some long-sleeves and sizes to come in, and everything should be out by the end of the week. You can find out what’s available on the Cube Shop, and we’d love to see snaps of you wearing yours out and about and spreading the Good Word of Good Cube. Make sure to tag us, and cling fast to your dreams, we might be seeing each other very soon…


Photos supplied by vols:

Dominic Wade

Juste, Libby, Rhodri and Tom D

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Digital Daytime Drawing Drawings

Hey hey,

We miss creating together. So we did the next best thing. We setup a zoom call, got hold of the digital whiteboard and drew as a group. Below are the images in chronological sequence.

We had much fun and we’re excited to do it again in a couple of weeks (date tbc). Everyone’s welcome to come and join. You’ll have fun too


All Seeing Pie
Ur Ino O uO ? Moor 0 O ? Hello
Chin Swing II 2021
Cross Hatching (c) 2021
“Eyes & Thighs” 2021
We’ve hit the time barrier 1/1 2021
It’s just a lovely seaside scene 1/1 2020

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Bluescreen: Bluestream Tonight!

Hi All

Steve here from Bluescreen…

As we can’t bring you a physical Bluescreen in May, we have decided to bring Bluescreen to you!

Say hello to… Bluescreen: Bluestream! Bluescreen’s new streaming night, in conjunction with the Cube Cinema.

So tonight we are doing our very first ever Bluescreen: Bluestream stream!

Please spread the word and tune in here to watch all the great short films we have for you

Kicking things off at 7.30 Bluescreen Hi-fi with a audio mix and then we will be streaming these Films…

Setting Up 2018 – Cube Orchestra

The Last Video Store – Arthur Cauty

Spring Butterflies – Matt Brierley

Frozen – Sangam Sharma

What Goes Up Must Come Down – Thomas Stone

Parthenocarpy – Jamie Shaw

Godsend – The Epic Quest – Tim Smart

NHS Video Call – Joe Ralley

Save Lives at Sea – Susan Cockwell

Shit Films – John Cockwell

Strange Days – Peter Harris

Technophobe – Dan Thomas

Dogs Chasing Cars – Jon Holmes

Waiting For The Balloons – Gordon Young

Melchior Strasse – Pete Mason

Bear Pit – Mr Skachidub

Starter Homes – Jacob Hughes

Journey into the Wetlands – Michael Park

Prole – Matt Harris

(End of Part 1)

We received so many films in that we are now doing a 2nd screening next Wednesday to accomodate all the films we received! So tune into Part 2 on June 3rd,11415/

Thanks to all the Filmmakers who sent in Films!

Have a great evening and enjoy the Films!

From all of us here at Bluescreen

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Cube On Ice : Streams!

At the time of writing, the last Cube event with the public in the building was a screening of ‘Color Out Of Space’ on March 11th 2020.

We had one of our monthly meetings on next day on the 12th, and from looking at the global pandemic situation decided to close our doors for the safety of our community.

So, time for a rethink . . .

At the meeting we came to the same conclusion many other cultural institutions have : that there are still ways to find to connect and produce culture. A relatively easy and practical one for starters is – as many have latched on to – streaming . . .

DJ and vol Paul Hansen did a joyful cheesy disco audio stream, with text-to-speech shout outs on Saturday (28th March) – the stream wasn’t recorded, but as a first test it went pretty well, and running commentary on the volunteers email list had a sense of us feeling digitally connected and warmed in our own little physical lockdowns.

Then on Monday we had the Cube show at NOODS radio.

This has been going for a while pre-lockdown, but I guess takes on a new character being one of the few events in our diary now.

It should be archived on the NOODS site soon, meanwhile here’s a link to the previous show early in the month :

EDIT : It was and is archived – stream it here :

And if you go to at the time of writing (March 31 2020), this is the message you will see :


With the escalation of the coronavirus situation, The Cube has decided to close it’s doors to the public starting from Sunday 15th March for an initial period of two weeks.

We have a duty of care to our volunteers, members and our wider community. This is not a decision that has been taken by us lightly. As an autonomous venue, we are lucky to have the ability to make a decision with the health of our community at heart.

We want to be able to be focused on those that need us and those we lean on as well as ourselves and our environment. We are aware that people rely on the cube and we will continue to be supportive of each other.

We understand how disappointing it is that events/screenings will have to be postponed or cancelled. But we believe that the benefit of the culture does not outweigh the risk of spreading this infection. As the situation evolves we will have a clearer idea about what will be cancelled and what can be postponed.

All tickets will be refunded for the first 2 weeks, and we have suspended sales for April for the time being. We will try to reschedule everything. We will keep you updated as the situation evolves.

We all love the cube and want to continue to provide the community and collaboration it gives us. It is a chance for us to come together and come up with new and creative ways to do what we do – we are thinking more radio, film streamings rather than screenings, submission projects, collaborative projects online, digital discussion groups, streamed live events. This will be under the banner of The Cube On Ice, watch this space!

Keep on washing your hands and looking after each other.

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Cube’s Surprise 21st Birthday Party

The party was a doozy by all accounts. Here’s some back stage / preparation pics thanks to Dominic Wade.

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Recorded at The Cube recently . . .

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CHAMP get on board

For July’s Cube promotion the reins were handed over to the CHAMP collective.

CHAMP SAY : we don’t have loads (of pics) as we mostly went out on our own, but we had a lot of pics taken of us! Including a whole load of school kids haha. I met some people who used to come to the Cube ages ago but had lost touch, they were keen to reconnect after we gave them their culture vile! I think it worked well because people were generally just quite intrigued about what we were up to and we were quite attention grabbing!

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RADMIN 2019 documentation

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