Category Archives: Life

Latest events at last

Late again, but here’s my perspective on recent(ish) Cube related events . . . I was in The Cube for filming of the first pre-recorded version of Max Blackout for the Tollgate House project, with Adam and Ali ( a.k.a. … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Art, Artists, Audio, Bar, books, comedy, computers, Cube, Cube Orchestra, dj, Events, General, Here Shop, Life, Mr Hopkinson personas, Music, performance, Photography, pretend you're more highbrow than you are, Projections, Richie Paradise, Stories, Video | 1 Comment

Düne it 4 the kids ( and 4 the adults 2 )

Not the first recording of this, but, for now at least, the latest . . . Herman Düne, as if you didn’t know, played a show for kids at the nanoplex, and a show for the ‘dults at the strangely … Continue reading

Posted in admin, General, Herman Düne, Life, Music, performance, Team Brick, Theatre, Video | 4 Comments

Hard Drive Times

From the volunteers’ e-mail list . . . On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, Marcus Valentine wrote: > Perhaps someone can be persuaded to donate a better car, or donate the > repairs. — dear all cube car is probably going … Continue reading

Posted in admin, General, Life, Transport, Volunteers, weather | 1 Comment

Crazy World

Sorry, Cubeblog was on another hiatus there for a tepid minute. Actually, time and time travel has been coming up, time to time, for some reason in various conversations recently . . . plus the various dimensions beyond the 4 … Continue reading

Posted in admin, computer sings, computers, Cube, General, Gossip, Life, mp3, Mr Hopkinson personas, Music, performance, Radio | Comments Off on Crazy World

recovered : Brazil score & Cube party

29th of September : Orchestra Cube do their first rescore – ‘Brazil’ This has already been covered by Richie, so there’s not much to add, in fact there’s not even much photographic documentary from me . . . . . … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Art, Cube Cinema History, Cube Orchestra, Film, General, Graf, Life, Movieoke, Music, performance, pretend you're more highbrow than you are, Richie Paradise | Comments Off on recovered : Brazil score & Cube party

Greatly Missed

28th of September now . . . I managed to catch Kate and Jesse ( of the wonderful Greatness of The Magnificence nights ) . . . . . . in the final stages of packing for their move to … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Art, Cutting Up My Friends Project, General, Life, Venn festival, Video, weather | 1 Comment

Max Blackout on Steroids

Well, things didn’t go too smoothly yesterday – I was seized by an incapacitating asthma attack ( probably brought on by recent the storm). Something I’ve never had to deal with before, and hopefully won’t have to again – it’s … Continue reading

Posted in admin, books, dj, General, Life, Movieoke, perplexed, weather | Comments Off on Max Blackout on Steroids

The Blog is Back!

Seeing as you’re reading this you already know this blog is back up ( despite for a while there it looked like there was no backup ) after sparror problems . . . Kate emailed from, I think, Tehran to … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Archive, computers, General, Life, sparror, T'internet, Volunteers | 2 Comments

This time, I’m not so green

Recently due to one thing and another, I’ve been serially envious of others who have enjoyed various magnificences I’ve missed at The Cube and elsewhere of late . . . However nothing could stop me from witnessing living legend Damo … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Art, Artists, Bar, Film, Food, General, Here Shop, Herman Düne, Life, Music, performance, Photography, Stories, SuperGroupExtreme, Transport, Video, Volunteers | 1 Comment

Encounters ( kind 1 & 2 )

Later on Thursday I went to meet old Bristolian ( presently in Kent ) and sometime Cube frequenter, Phil Hall who was down for the Animated Encounters festival. On the way I encoutered Fr�n�ois and Mark . . . . … Continue reading

Posted in admin, Art, Bar, Cube, Events, Food, General, Life, meetings, Projections | Comments Off on Encounters ( kind 1 & 2 )